What is a Radical Mama
Encompassed by strong women who are stiving to define their success in careers, it is challenging to be a stay-at-home mom. Everything around us screams every day to follow your heart, pursue your dreams, make a name for yourself. Especially when it comes to the role of a woman. We are continually told what it means to be a woman in the 21st century, and not many voices tell you that being a stay-at-home mom is successful path. Looking around at the generations becoming adults today, we can see the devastating result of passive motherhood, and yet we are still pushed to continue in this women’s movement, a woman can do anything a man can do, mindset. When the reality is, we were each designed with specific roles that fit our giftings best. Continually striving to be something we were never created to be forms a culture that misses the point of where true joy and satisfaction comes from.
I am a strong-willed woman, don’t you doubt. Anyone who remotely knows me, knows this about me. I am also a dreamer and a future focused person naturally. My personality would fit the women’s movement role VERY well. When I was 16 years old I decided that I didn’t want to get married until I was 25. I wanted to pursue some passions and change whatever portion of the world the Lord put me in. This year I turn 25 and I have been married for six years and have three kids. God had VERY different plans than I did for my life, and I thank Him every day that He did. You see, what I have come to discover this year looking back, was that God fulfilled the biggest dreams I didn’t even know I had. I truly believe that if I had chosen to ignore God’s mission for my life and pursue my so called “dreams” instead, I would not have the joy, fulfillment, and peace in my life that I do now.
As soon as I had my first baby in 2020, I knew that my life plan had changed forever. I didn’t want to be a passive mother. I set out to become an authentic woman who pursued her role within the home. Over the past few years since then, I have learned a lot about what it means to be a mother and a homemaker, and what God’s vision is for the role of a mother. I have decided to start a blog to empower women to pursue this role of being a radical mama.
To be a radical mama you have to be strong enough to go against the grain of what everyone is saying you should be. You have to be willing to take the road less traveled and sometimes pave your own path for your family. Being a radical mother means giving up what the world says is important to pursue a mission far more important. It’s transforming the culture of your family and using your intuition and discernment to make decisions that are best for your family no matter what those around you think. You need to examine information given to you and determine what lines up with your chore values, using all the resources God has given to you both in the Bible and in nature to best benefit your family. A radical mama creates a haven for her husband and her children to thrive!
In Proverbs 22:6 God commands us to “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” The Hebrew word used here to train, means, “to initiate or discipline.” English translations of the word could be dedicated or train up. I love how this word also means dedicated. To dedicate yourself to something means to vow, promise, devote yourself to it. The moment I laid eyes on my baby boy, I knew I was devoted to raising him and that he was going to be my number one “job” description from that moment on.
I could never give the important role the Lord has given to me of training up my children to anyone else. He has entrusted me with this mission, and I have chosen to accept it! No matter what the world around me thinks, I will pursue success within my home and dedicate my life to training up my children to honor the Lord.
A part of being a radical mother is using all the resources God has given to us to create a culture that our children can thrive in spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Therefore, I have/will include all the recipes I use to naturally take care of my family every day, on this blog.
So, in a world encompassed by strong women who are stiving to define their success in careers, let’s be stronger and become radical mamas to shape the future and find the greatest success within our homes! Afterall, the only mansion God ever promised me was in Heaven, and I can’t take anything I build here on earth with me when I leave. I do the things I do for an eternal purpose. The lives and eternity of my children far surpass the greatest riches earth can offer. I long to be a RADICAL MAMA!