Natural Diaper Rash Remedies
Soft as a baby's bum…. not always my kids, especially not when they are sick. It’s incredible the havick runny diapers can cause on our little one’s buns, no matter how hard we try to prevent it.
In this blog post I will share my top three natural diaper rash remedies. I love them all and use them interchangeably.
I also use my own homemade wipes which prevents diaper rashes on sensitive buns.
Encompass Farming Oil
I have the large pump jar of this oil on my counter in the bathroom AND my kitchen. We use it all the time. I use it for all of our moisturizing needs, from covering my kids in it after their baths to using it on my face daily (which has drastically improved my acne!).
It has fantastic reviews and I myself LOVE this oil! Some reviews say it has even taken away eczema! We have not had to climb that mountain in our home, but I know it is a painful struggle for some little kids.
This product is loaded with oils that are super beneficial for your skin and hair. Plus, it is organic.
Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Jojoba Oil
Essential Oils - Peppermint, Ylang-Ylang, Lemon, Orange, Lavendar
It is really an all-purpose oil, but here are a few of its top uses.
Scar/Stretch Marks
Bug/Tick Repellent
ALL Use Lube…Yes
Massage Oil
I am not only a dedicated user of this oil, but I am also honored to be the creator/owner’s cousin. She is AMAZING! Literally my go to mama when I need some all-natural advice! She is filled with wisdom and knowledge around the uses for so many natural remedies. She is also genuine, kindhearted, and just flat out fun! You will thoroughly enjoy getting to know her, her awesome hubby, and beautiful little girl, if you follow them on their social media platforms! Encompass Farming
Healing Elements Balm
This stuff has healed any skin related issue we have had in our family. I put it on rashes, burns, cracked/dry skin, pretty much any issue that is skin related. It has healed diaper rashes overnight and taken away even the dryest of skin. I have even used it on our kids when they get into stinging nettles in our backyard.
It comes in a tub, but I put a little bit in a smaller 3 oz container to have in my diaper bag. I take this stuff everywhere I go!
I also use it with the Encompass Farming Oil on my face. I have dry skin, and the Healing Elements Balm works more as a deep moisturizer, so I use it at night and then use Encompass Farming Oil in the mornings. When I am not on my period or pregnant, the combo of these two has almost completely taken away my acne!
This product is sold by Lemon Grass Spa which is known for its more natural self-care products. I haven’t used any of their other products, but I know the Healing Elements Balm is the fantastic!
Whipped Tallow
This is my personal favorite regarding texture and feel! Oh my word, it’s like rubbing cool whip on your skin. Ha! I use it as lotion on my hands daily.
It is my first option when my baby has a very painful diaper rash. Because of its light airy texture, it does not take much effort to gently rub in over the rash. Especially when the rash has started bleeding, it is very painful. Therefore, the least amount of pressure needed to apply a remedy, the better.
I have only had to deal with bleeding rashes once and that was after a long day of flying with our almost one year old. She was teething, so she had the runs, and she was pooping all day! Of course, her poops lined up that day in the middle of the checked baggage line, going through security, when the plane was taking off (and landing), and then waiting in line for a rental car in Florida. Needless to say, after that day her buns were RAW! She appreciated the whipped tallow option. I used the Healing Elements Balm on her rash as well, but only once a day since it hurt her to rub in on. Otherwise, every diaper change it was whipped tallow!
My sister makes the whipped tallow I use, but before she started making it, I used this Lavender Whipped Tallow. I really liked the smell, as lavender is a calming scent. That is a fantastic thing to add when your baby is a little irritated with a diaper rash.
How I Choose Which Diaper Rash Remedy to Use
Encompass Farming Oil is my proactive tool. I rub it on my baby’s buns at least once a day even if a rash is not an issue. I will also use it on light diaper rashes.
When a rash has developed into more of an issue, I go for my Whipped Tallow or Healing Elements Balm. I usually use these two interchangeably. I use the Balm at least once a day on very bad rashes and then the Tallow every diaper change. If I catch a diaper rash developing, I will put the Balm on before bed, and the rash is usually gone by morning. For tougher more advanced rashes, it will take a couple days.
I follow up all my healed diaper rashes with Encompass Oil because it will aid in healing the possible scars. After our bad flight diaper rash with our baby, the oil completely healed up what would have been scars, and now you can hardly see where the worst sores were.
Soft as a baby’s bum….yes!