Empowering women to find their value in motherhood & being a homemaker

Building a radical legacy that goes beyond the ordinary

Empowered Mama

Biblically based techniques and tools to guide your children in the way they should go, who the Lord created them to be.

Natural Mama

everyday life hacks and recipes to create a healthy environment your children can thrive in

Creative Mama

decor, event planning, and homeschooling ideas to spark the creativity inside you

Explore tools, recipes, and nature

God created everything around us not only for us to enjoy, but also as recourses for us to use. Our mental, physical, and emotional health is at our fingertips. We need only the tools and knowledge to utilize the resources we have been given!

Energy put into building the culture of your home, is energy well spent.

“Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come.”

Proverbs 31:25

Carissa Haidle

Discover the value in motherhood & homemaking